Japan’s top 8 maritime corporations join hands for a sustainably-driven simulation platform

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Japan’s top 8 maritime corporations join hands for a sustainably-driven simulation platform

Sustainability is an emerging trend in the shipbuilding industry as a majority of new contracts mandate manufacturers to comply with strict decarbonization guidelines. This has inevitably led to multiple setbacks for the shipbuilding companies across the globe, but the Japanese maritime corporations are already facing heat from their Chinese and Korean competitors. 


Owing to the circumstances, the Japanese firms came up with a five-year joint initiative to counter the steep competition from other APAC companies and keep up with the sustainability measures. The project is named “Maritime and Ocean Digital Engineering” (MODE), and it is scheduled to be established in October 2022 at the University of Tokyo. The inaugural colloquium is scheduled for October 4, 2022.


Its ultimate goal is to create a cooperative simulation platform and develop a knowledge base for sustainable shipbuilding. The following Japanese maritime corporations participated in MODE:


  1. Japan Marine United Corporation
  2. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding
  3. NYK Group
  4. Furuno Electric
  5. Japan Radio
  6. BEMAC Corporation
  7. ClassNK
  8. NAPA


The Graduate Schools of Frontier Sciences and Engineering of the University of Tokyo will preside over MODE in association with premier research institutes based out in different corners of the world that are focused on advanced engineering. Subject matter experts from automobiles, aerospace, and aviation will form the backbone of this cooperative simulation platform.


Some of the other objectives of MODE include fostering innovation to propel decarbonization, boost productivity, and enhance manufacturing quality. MODE will deploy MBSE (model-based systems engineering) and MBD (model-based development) for developing efficient and green ship designs. 


“The program aims to develop, implement, and upskill users in the deployment of new technologies. It is also expected to expand into maritime fields such as offshore wind power generation and subsea resource development,” a joint press statement said.


It is indeed an encouraging move for many other industries as advanced simulation technologies can help achieve sustainability goals.

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